Evonne Geluk
Evonne Geluk
Evonne Geluk is a leading public relations professional with 20 years experience creating and managing strategic communications programs.
She has handled hundreds of media, issues, crisis, community, event management, brand positioning and publication production strategies.
Evonne began her career in the Corporate and Public Affairs department of Caltex Oil Australia whilst she completed a degree in Arts majoring in Political Science and Communications.
Moving to London for five years, she worked as a communications consultant to BBC Worldwide and Grundy Television, before accepting an offer to work for the Arts Council of England.
Returning to Sydney, Evonne worked on two of Australia’s largest youth events the Rock Eisteddfod Challenge and the Croc Festivals, before moving into a boutique communications consultancy where she worked with a number of high profile brands including Visa International, Booz Allen & Hamilton, Elastoplast Sport, Leuko, Australian Wool Innovation, Carter Holt Harvey, IQ Group, Plumtree and Special Olympics Australia.
More recently Evonne has worked with prominent property clients including Walker Corporation, Medallist Group, Jones Bay Wharf, Billbergia and Rory O’Brien developments.